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Bundle Overview
期間限定で、このバンドルから $500 オフ – 価格は $1130 です。 12 月 19 日までの特典です。
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登録すると、以下の 2 つの認定クラスに自動的に登録されます。 lindahowe.learnitlive.com にログインすると、ページ上部の「マイ クラス」から 2 つのクラスのそれぞれにアクセスできるようになります。私たち一人一人の中にある光と愛を増幅させるこの旅に、皆さんが私たちと一緒に参加してくれることを嬉しく思います。
Dr. Linda Howe's acclaimed second and thirds books – “Healing Through the Akashic Records: Using the Power of Your Sacred Wounds to Discover Your Soul's Perfection” and "Discover Your Soul's Path Through the Akashic Records: Taking Your Life from Ordinary to ExtraOrdinary" are available on Audible, in print and on Kindle.
Share more love and light in the world with this global community and explore opportunities for life-long learning. Connect to linda@lindahowe.com with any questions.
Share more love and light in the world with this global community and explore opportunities for life-long learning. Connect to linda@lindahowe.com with any questions.
Featured Classes in Akashic Records Level II-III Certification Class Bundle (2)
Meet Your Expert Instructor
約 Dr. Linda Howe

Dr. Linda Howe
Thirty years ago, when Dr. Linda Howe first encountered the Akashic Records - the archive of our souls journey -- she felt that she had come home. Just two years later, she began teaching and never looked back! Having engaged in spiritual studies throughout...